Mid-Fi Electronics Clari (Pirate) "Free Shipping in the US"
In the words of Mid-Fi Electronics:
The modulation from the Deluxe Pitch Pirate (LFO with square and triangle waves) and the Clari(not) (Lumpy envelope follower) in one pedal, modulating a shared delay line!
(The Pitch Pirate with unlocked delay capabilities, the “Deluxe” separates the depth knob of the standard Pirate into two controls, Depth and Delay time, then adds a Feedback control for multiple repeats and resonances. The Clari(not) is an Envelope controlled Vibrato/chorus/wow and flutter simulator, with the ability to modulate over an octave.)
The modulation from the Deluxe Pitch Pirate (LFO with square and triangle waves) and the Clari(not) (Lumpy envelope follower) in one pedal, modulating a shared delay line!
(The Pitch Pirate with unlocked delay capabilities, the “Deluxe” separates the depth knob of the standard Pirate into two controls, Depth and Delay time, then adds a Feedback control for multiple repeats and resonances. The Clari(not) is an Envelope controlled Vibrato/chorus/wow and flutter simulator, with the ability to modulate over an octave.)